CiRev 1st Anniversary


??? actually i dunno what is this.

hei revlan jelek.
kamu kok jelek banget sih? heran aku.
HEHEHEHEHE canda deng sayang.

sebenernya aku tuh bingung disini mau ngetik apa, sumpah bingung banget. bantuin aku donggg. masa gamau bantuin aku. jahad banget deh kalo ga bantu aku. ayo bilang aku harus ngetik apa disini? ntar apa yang kamu bilang, bakal aku tulis disini.

HAYO pusing ga kamu bacanya? wkwk aku aja yang ngetiknya pusing tau. sengaja sih, ini buat part gaje aja. pemanasan dulu lah ceritanya, sebelum ke part yang serius. hasek aku kaya yang bisa serius aja hehehehe. udah deh segini aja.

cira cantik pacarnya revlan jelek.

The Reasons Why I Love You

if I mention all the reasons why I love you it will definitely be very long, so I will mention just a few of them.

i love the way you look at me.
you makes me feel like im the only woman in the world.
you makes me smile when nobody else can.
i love the way you call me "sayang" because it makes my heart flutter.
you're my biggest support and my number one fan. the one who pushes me forward and doesn’t let me give up.
you never fails to put a smile on my face and to make me laugh, sometimes without even trying.
you're someone i can rely on in my life.
i love that you appreciate everything i do for you and don’t take it for granted.
i love that you accept me and love me for who i am.
and last, i love you because you're you. thats it.

and do you want to know any other reasons than those mentioned above? but i think that should be enough. am i right?
then now i will mention the reasons why you should love me ! ! !

The Reasons Why You Should Love Me!!

first because i can make you happy, for sure.
i'll never let you down.
if you ever need a best friend, i can be your best friend. you alr know that right?
you can trust me over things.
i can be your wonder woman. its so cool, isnt it?
i know how to boost your mood.
your secret is safe with me.
i'll wait for you until you finish doing your stuff.
i wont disturb you when you need your time.
you dont need to worry, cause i'll always have your back.
i'll take care of you.
because im pretty, cutie.
because im your girlfriend, indeed.
and last because i love you more than anything.

i hope you dont get bored while reading this.

ps. everything i say here is true and comes from the bottom of my heart. hasek.
kata kata yang ada disini harus kamu inget terus ya!! perintah itu!!

To The Man Who I Love The Most, dear Revlan.

Revlan, bener-bener orang yang paling berharga dalam hidupku. tentunya setelah mama papa hehe. kalo aku disuruh buat mendeskripsikan seorang Revlan tuh bakal panjaaaang banget. gaakan cukup disini.

Revlan, aku mungkin udah berkali-kali bilang ini kalo aku tuh bener-bener beruntung bisa ketemu kamu in this world. you dont know how grateful how i am, to be able to have you and to be yours. rasanya tuh kaya wah banget deh pokoknya. HADUH KAMU NGERASA CRINGE GA SIH LIATNYA????

tolong aku bingung kalo disuruh buat ngetik kaya gini. soalnya saking banyaknya yang pengen aku sampein jadi bingung. mana aku tuh bad at words. aku paling gabisa mencurahkan isi hati aku, gely haduh. aku pengennya tuh, kamu tau semua isi hatiku, tau betapa senengnya aku kalo ada kamu, tau betapa berartinya kamu bagi aku.. dan masih banyak lagi pokoknya. hsbjvdsu harusnya ini tuh jadi part yang romantis banget huhu tapi malah gajelas gini maaf.. aku mana bisa romantis soalnya. :(

kayanya udah segini aja deh ya? maaf jelek banget..

terakhir, aku sayang kamu.❤️